Possessing immunity to any form of physical harm. Impenetrable. Unable to be broken or suffer pain. With the power of invincibility, you could literally take a bullet for your spouse, shovel 16 [...]
When I was young I could fly. No really, I could. As long as I had a good running start down the hallway I could make a horizontal jump at least 3 or 4 feet into the air and onto my [...]
A good time to consider consulting with an elder law attorney is when you begin to see some signs of deterioration with your parents, whether it’s an illness or even just a change in their [...]
You have a will, which can be enough for certain issues, such as providing for minor children or deciding where and how your assets will be disposed of at death. But a will is not necessarily [...]
“My father is a CPA, and growing up, I worked in his office during high school and college and got to witness him in action with clients. Now, on the other side of things where I was doing [...]
A story that I like to tell to help explain what a trust is involves my family. I have three young girls ranging in ages from eight to two. We have a routine on Friday nights where we get [...]
Our own Marc Cusano, Esq., has been honored as one of Super Lawyers’ “Rising Stars” two years in a row – for both 2017 and 2018. The designation is bestowed by the Super [...]
Trying to predict how the Supreme Court will rule in a given matter is like trying to predict New England weather; you never know what you’re going to get, and what you get, you don’t [...]