How do you know if you need to update your estate plan? It isn’t like your smoke detector that mercilessly beeps, warning you that you could be in danger if you don’t replace its [...]
You don’t need us to tell you that nursing home care is expensive. And we understand that you want to avoid paying these costs out of your own savings if possible. One approach is the [...]
Because we don’t like to talk or think about death, we find many people don’t understand what actually needs to happen after a death. Many of us think, “My estate and assets will go to my kids. [...]
A major question in planning for seniors today is, “How can I protect my property from nursing home costs?” Statistically, the chance that a senior will enter a skilled nursing facility, [...]
The summer is time for sunglasses, the beach, ice cream, and of course, superhero blockbusters. And it’s not a bad time to get your financial planning and estate planning in order, either. [...]
If you possessed the power of teleportation, where would you go? Would you teleport yourself to work to bypass a stressful daily commute? Or move yourself upstairs at night after you’ve fallen [...]
Experience the rush of accelerating to speeds so fast you are nothing but a blur. Move near, at, or beyond the speed of sound or light. Change diapers in record time, run to the Cape and back for [...]