Kayla Borchers, Administrative Assistant
Kayla joined the Borchers team in June 2020 bringing over 7 years of customer service experience. The administrative assistant role fits her skills and education well as she is currently pursuing her Associate’s degree in Human Services at Massbay Community College. In addition to greeting visitors and clients, Kayla is a careful proofreader who edits lawyers’ letters, memos, emails, and documents. She also makes updates to clients’ Asset Trust Organizers, a tool that organizes and tracks client assets.
Fun fact: Kayla is Tim’s daughter, so is no stranger to the office! She has been a great addition and works well with our team, something that comes naturally growing up with seven other siblings.
Kayla and her husband Jake live in Franklin with their leopard gecko, Arry, and rabbit, Winnie. Some of their favorite activities are listening to live music and spending time together outdoors. The White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire is one of Kayla’s favorite places to camp and hike. She admits to having a serious case of wanderlust and is always itching to explore new destinations.
Articles by Borchers Trust LawVIEW ALL
When It Makes Sense to Disclaim (Refuse) Some or All of an Inheritance
If Your Spouse Passes Without an Estate Plan is it too Late to Minimize Estate Taxes? If your spouse has just passed away and you did not create a detailed estate plan, you may find yourself inheriting everything automatically—especially if your assets were held jointly and you are named as the beneficiary. Being the surviving […]
Considering a Move to New Hampshire? Key Financial Benefits for Mass. Residents
As a Massachusetts resident, you may be considering the financial benefits of moving to New Hampshire—like lower taxes, more affordable housing, and the absence of an estate tax. Both of our partners, Tim Borchers and Marc Cusano, have homes and are licensed to practice in both states, so we know firsthand how appealing these advantages […]
From Super Lawyer to Super Dad: Tim Borchers Receives Two Special Awards
We are thrilled to announce that our founder, Tim Borchers, has been recognized with the prestigious Super Lawyers award for 2024 in the field of trusts and estates. This distinction is particularly meaningful as it is awarded based on peer nominations and a rigorous selection process. The Super Lawyers award is reserved for attorneys who […]
6 Reasons to Administer Trusts in New Hampshire
We are committed to offering our clients the most effective and advantageous estate planning solutions. That’s why we established a branch in Concord, New Hampshire. This locale provides access to New Hampshire’s trust laws, which are among the most favorable in the country, particularly for irrevocable trustsA trust that cannot be revoked by the Grantor. […]
How Inflation Impacts Estate Planning: 4 Ways to Protect Your Family’s Future
While we see glimpses of hope that inflation is easing, the high cost of living (COL) has many re-evaluating their financial strategies. Inflated costs for essentials such as housing, food, and healthcare mean that our money simply doesn’t go as far as it used to. For estate planning, this has significant implications. Many are increasingly […]
Joint vs. Separate Trusts: Key Differences, Benefits, and Estate Planning Tips for Married Couples
When it comes to estate planning, married couples often face a decision: should they combine their assets into a single joint trust, or should each spouse create a separate trust? This choice is fundamental to the structure of their estate plan and can impact everything from tax planning to how assets are managed and distributed. […]
Irrevocable Trusts and Divorce: Massachusetts Ruling Raises Concern for Inheritances
A 2023 Massachusetts appellate court case, Jones v. Jones, casts doubt on the ability of irrevocable trustsA trust that cannot be revoked by the Grantor. Irrevocable trustsA trust that cannot be revoked by the Grantor. Irrevocable trusts are created to either save taxes or protect assets, or both. More are created to either save taxes or protect assetsThis general term refers, logically, to protecting assets from claims against trust beneficiaries. Read More, or both. More to shield assets from division in divorce. The latest in a string of rulings, the court […]
Five Possible Vacation Home Solutions for Your Estate
Perhaps 20% of our clients have a second home. In some cases, it’s a true vacation spot; in other cases, it doubles as an investment property or part-time Airbnb™. Either way, it may be desirable to leave the home to family members to keep for their use or for income. If so, it’s an “heirloom […]
Do you need an estate plan as a single parent?
Estate planning is something that should be a priority for everyone, not just for wealthy families or those with large families. A well thought out estate plan is also crucial for single individuals, especially single parents. The plan helps protect both the parent and their children’s future by preventing family disputes, and unnecessary financial burdens […]
Trusts that Avoid State Income Tax
One of the advantages of using trusts in your estate plan is tax mitigation. While trusts are well-known to help reduce estate taxes, they are also becoming increasingly more common for income tax savings. Can you avoid state income tax with a trust? Yes you can. Make Use of ING trusts Clients are using tax […]
Last Minute Elder Law Strategies: Qualifying for MassHealth
The most frequently asked question for an elder law attorney is “How can I qualify for MassHealth to pay for nursing home expenses?” The answer depends on how much time you have to prepare.
What Are the 8 Risks of DIY Estate Planning?
You’re resourceful and capable, so why should you think twice before setting up a DIY estate plan? Here are 8 reasons why an online DIY estate plan is risky.
A Personal Story: How Senior Paralegal Stephanie Helped Her Aging Parents Consolidate Their Financial Accounts With These 6 Questions
Just like cleaning a closet helps you feel more organized, consolidating financial accounts keeps your estate plan tidy. Believe us…you don’t want a rogue account to send your entire estate to probateProbate can refer to the process of settling the estate of a deceased person. Read More. Here are the 6 questions to determine if you have too many accounts.
Every Successful Estate Plan Needs a Collaborative Team
As estate planning attorneys, the single best way to serve each of our clients is by participating as one part of a larger estate planning team. To collaborate most effectively, and help our clients succeed, we all need to leave our egos at the door, be absolutely committed to next level communication, and make our client, along with their often-heartfelt objectives and their comprehensive personal financial plan, our center points.
Borchers Trust Law returns to Medfield after 17 years
Borchers Trust Law announces a return to Medfield, where the firm was founded almost 30 years ago by Attorney Tim Borchers. The firm’s new offices will be at 266 Main Street, known as Olde Medfield Square. This homecoming marks an important step for this greater Boston area firm focused on creating innovative estate planning solutions that are presented in a clear and understandable way.
A Personal Story: Attorney Deb Hedges Shares How Her Estate Plan Gave Her Peace of Mind After Losing Her Husband
After losing her young husband to a 5 year battle with cancer, Attorney Deb Hedges thought that she would never practice estate planning law again. It just hit too close to home. Losing a spouse at 42 was life changing, not just personally but professionally.
Protecting Loved Ones with a Special Needs Trust
When a loved one has a unique obstacle to wellness, in the form of an illness, disability, learning disorder, addiction, or mental health issue, estate planning is essential to your legacy of loving and caring. For the millions of Americans* affected – your heirs and mine – we need to design estate plans with the unique needs of the individual with a special need or disability in mind.
Estate Planning After a Divorce
Estate planning for divorced individuals poses a unique set of challenges. In what other circumstance would you find your most cherished assets, your children, in the custody of someone whom you have decided you no longer want to partner with? Whether the divorce is fresh, or simply part of the family history, many of the issues persist.
Qualifying for MassHealth Coverage for Long-Term Care: A Case Study
More and more people are living to an older age than any generation previously. As the population begins to age, planning for long nursing home stays is becoming a more relevant topic. MassHealth (also known as Medicaid) is an assistance program offered in the state of Massachusetts to help defray the cost of long-term care […]
The 3 Reasons to Use a Nominee Trust in Massachusetts
When holding title to any asset on behalf of multiple trusts or entities, having a nominee or agent on behalf of the entities can be more convenient. The nominee trust is a tool that meets this need. For example, when husband and wife each have their own trust, but they want to continue having joint accounts for convenience and simplicity, they can put their joint bank accounts and investment accounts under the nominee trust.
Enhanced Planning Goes Above and Beyond
Most clients’ families will benefit from our service as an Administrative Trustee; HNW and UHNW clients will benefit from the services of an independent trusteeSpecifically in relation to the trust Grantor, the IRS effectively defines the term for what it is not: a person who is not a related or subordinate party. Read More to protect assetsThis general term refers, logically, to protecting assets from claims against trust beneficiaries. Read More against the Killer DsThese are the risks to beneficiaries’ inheritance: Debt, Divorce, Disability, Destructive Habits, Death, Disputes. (Timothy Borchers, Esq. coined the term in 2010.). We mostly serve as independent trusteesSpecifically in relation to the trust Grantor, the IRS effectively defines the term for what it is not: a person who is not a related or subordinate party. Read More through our trustee company, which provides objectivity when applying the principles of your legacy. Family members don’t intend to jeopardize assets, but by nature they do because of their conflicts of interest, and because they are considered “interested parties” under the tax code.
The Protection Plan: Protects from Losses and Saves Taxes
A Protection Plan at Borchers Trust Law is centered around a living trust instrument and includes some pretty cool provisions for your future needs. Beyond the basic documentation that every estate plan should have, namely power of attorney, health care proxy and other health forms, and a last will and testament, and even beyond a Simple Trust agreement, the Protection Plan trust is thorough in anticipating life’s complications.
Why Should I Seek Out a Trust Specialist?
Growing up in an Italian neighborhood, everyone around me had "a guy." If you asked your friend about a roofer he would reply, "I got a guy." If your hair wasn't greased enough, your friend would say, "You should go see my guy, he'll fix you up." Even the kids would fight over their action figures and say, "Hey...that's MY guy!”
Retirement Plan Trusts Headline IRA Forecast
The Supreme Court ruled that inherited individual retirement accounts aren't protected in bankruptcy. The issue now becomes how to protect these plans within a solid estate plan.
Holy Gifting: An Estate Planner’s Dream (… or Nightmare)
Attorneys who practice any level of estate planning are, at this very moment, standing on hallowed ground. Understanding lifetime gift limitations is an ongoing process due to new legislation.
How to Make Sure Your Children Don’t Lose Their Inheritance: Why the Inheritance Trust™ Is a Win-Win for Everyone
With increasing rates of life expectancy, multiple marriages and the ability to survive disabilities and injuries, the need to protect what we hand down to our heirs also increases. The best way to address these challenges is by implementing an estate plan that includes a lifelong trust for each child.
Here’s Why It’s a Good Idea to Put Your Heirs in Charge of Their Own Trusts
Suppose your daughter inherits from you through an Inheritance TrustA trust created after the death of the Grantor for the benefit and protection of the inheritor (or created to receive lifetime gifts and inheritance from the Grantor). Read More, and she wishes to pay off her mortgage with the trust funds. As her own trustee, she’d have the authority to do that without even having to weigh the idea against the the terms of the trust.
10 Essentials for a Comprehensive Estate Plan
While it’s nearly impossible to plan for every one of life's contingencies, it is possible to create an effective and comprehensive estate plan. While good estate planning anticipates your death and disability, great estate planning reflects your chosen legacy.
A Retirement Plan Trust Can Protect Against Debt and More
Trying to predict how the Supreme Court will rule in a given matter is like trying to predict New England weather; you never know what you’re going to get, and what you get, you don’t always understand. On June 12, 2014, in Clark, et ux v. Rameker, 573 U.S. __ (2014) the high court unanimously […]
Who Will Take Care of the Kids?
“If something bad happened to me, or I suddenly passed away, who would take care of my children?” It’s not a pleasant thought, but if you’re a parent, it’s highly likely that you’ve asked yourself this question numerous times. Appointing a legal guardian for your kids is a weighty decision -- but it’s a decision that must be made, nonetheless.
Our Rising Star: Marc Cusano
Our own Marc Cusano, Esq., has been honored as one of Super Lawyers’ “Rising Stars” two years in a row – for both 2017 and 2018. The designation is bestowed by the Super Lawyers subsidiary of Thomson Reuters and recognizes just 2.5% of attorneys — the very best of the best. Super Lawyers selects attorneys […]
Your Life and Estate Laws Are Always Evolving. Has Your Plan Kept Up?
Estate plans are not intended to be a one-and-done project. They are living documents that should reflect your current situation, needs, and goals. That can only be achieved via regular reviews, and Borchers Law makes it easy to accomplish that via several customized estate plan services: Update Checklists TrustSupport™ ILIT Service Estate Plan Update Checklists […]
Will Your Kids Hate You for Leaving Them the Vacation House?
You know your kids love you. You know they love the vacation house they’ve enjoyed every summer since childhood. And you’re sure they’ll love the idea of inheriting that home when you pass away. But what if you’re wrong? What if they can’t afford the taxes and maintenance? What if their spouse(s) already have access […]
Gifting to Children as Part of an Estate Plan
This article uses 2024 Estate and Gift Tax Limits. If you are approaching or not too much over the state or federal estate taxFederal Estate Tax: The federal estate is part of a unified federal gift and estate tax that is an excise on the transfer of wealth. Read More limit in total assets, gifting […]
The Dangers of an Unfunded Trust: A Case Study
A pitfall for some families is having an unfunded trust. The Borchers Trust team walks you though what funding a trust means and how to fund your trust.
8 Symptoms of an Impending Failure of Your Trust or Estate Plan
Just like most things in life, your trust or estate plan needs a regular checkup. Giving your plan the attention it needs on a recurring basis will not only keep it up to date with your own goals and new laws, but will also bring peace of mind. If this has left you worried and […]
What Is a Trust?
A story that I like to tell to help explain what a trust is involves my family. I have three young girls ranging in ages from eight to two. We have a routine on Friday nights where we get together, make popcorn and watch a movie. My two year old is at the stage where […]
Take Action Now in Preparation for Proposed Tax Reforms
Update: Now that the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has become law, we’ve expanded upon the of Estate and Gift Tax laws for 2018 here. Congress is poised to enact a major tax law overhaul that could make fundamental changes to the way you calculate your federal income tax bill and the amount of federal […]
Understanding the Role of the Trustee: A Spectrum of Choices
Many family trusts can be handled with family members in the role of a trustee, but alternatives to “Uncle Joe” serving as a trustee should often be explored, including using professional or institutional trustees. This article explores the role of the trustee, the merits of various arrangements and combinations of trustees, and their removal and […]
Selecting a Trustee: A Spectrum of Possible Arrangements
There are many factors that bear on the choice of trustee. The purpose of the trust; its duration; the ages, health, and circumstances of the beneficiaries; and the types of assets to be administered all have bearing on the choice. You could name Uncle Joe as trustee, but business and real estate assets may be […]
Removing and Replacing a Trustee: A Spectrum of Options
Removing and replacing a trustee might seem like no big deal, but it can be serious because of the wide-ranging effects on the trust. Sometimes, for example, the person removing and replacing trustees should be independent of the grantor, i.e. not the grantor herself, her spouse or a person who is related or subordinate to […]
Estate and Gift Taxes Under the New 2018 Tax Law
In December, I published this blog post outlining specific steps that could be taken before the end of 2017 in light of proposed tax changes. Since then, the proposed tax code has become law and there are further updates for the 2018 tax law. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which became law January 1st, […]
Choosing the “Administrative Trustee” Takes the Burden off Your Family at your Death
Administrative Trust involves forms, taxes, accounting & low level details. A professional Administrative Trustee unburdens your family.
Helping Seniors Get their Estate Planning Affairs in Order
Your parents may be in their 70s or 80s, and like many in their generation, have the ethos that personal information – especially anything having to do with money or estate planning – is private … as it should be. They also believe whether Johnny and Janey are getting anything in the estate is their […]
Seven Life Events That Can Undermine Your Trust
Your trust is designed to protect your family and ensure that your financial goals are achieved when you pass away. But those goals can only be achieved if your trust is continually updated to reflect any significant changes in your life. These changes might include the following: A Change in Your Health In the event […]
The Essential Documents Your Aging Loved Ones Need
The best time to get involved in your aging parents’ affairs is early on, long before your loved ones are in ill health or their affairs are in trouble. Start with a simple inquiry. Ask when their estate plan was last reviewed and updated. If they have not seen an estate planning attorney in the […]
What Happens to Your Debt when You Die?
When people think about their estate, they tend to think of the assets they will pass on, like their stamp collection, a home or vacation property, and of course, their money. However, it’s important to consider your whole balance sheet – including your debt – when thinking about what you’ll leave behind for your loved ones […]
Helping Seniors Get Comfortable About Their Estate Planning
No matter how good of a relationship you have with your aging parents, estate planning is a sensitive subject. Approach with care. Here’s some tips for transitioning your loved ones into conversations about their estate planning. If they do not initially welcome your involvement, try to make it clear that your interest is in being […]
When Tragedy Strikes a Young Family: A Living Trust Case Study
We are pleased when we can help a young family develop an estate plan that fits their needs and honors their wishes. Many couples have good intentions to plan for the unexpected…then the busyness of family life interferes. Parents are stretched thin and planning is put off to another day. But the vigilant press on, […]
A CPA and a Role Model: Remembering My Father
“My father is a CPA, and growing up, I worked in his office during high school and college and got to witness him in action with clients. Now, on the other side of things where I was doing a lot of work with him, I’d hear clients praise him on how well he did. I […]
Trusts Go Above and Beyond Wills
You have a will, which can be enough for certain issues, such as providing for minor children or deciding where and how your assets will be disposed of at death. But a will is not necessarily enough if you want to avoid court involvement at death, or if you want to save taxes, or even […]
How Often Should I Update My Estate Plan?
We believe it makes good sense to review and update your estate plan and any accompanying documents every three to five years, approximately. Reason being, you just don’t know –unless this is a field that you’re an expert in, or what laws may have changed that impact your documents specifically. From our perspective and […]
Tim Borchers: Looking Out for Clients’ Wellbeing
“I come from a family of pastors, teachers and scientists,” says Tim Borchers, founder of Borchers Trust Law. “To me, that’s an interesting mix, because on the one hand, I’m technically oriented by nature, as well as compassionate and looking out for the wellbeing of my clients. I have adopted the term ‘coaching’ for what […]
How to Keep Your Trust Updated, Part 1
While many may see their trust as a "set it and forget it" proposition, this isn't the case. Trusts should be updated on a regular basis.
Estate Planning for Children with Special Needs
I have a son with autism. He’s in his 20s and he’s very capable. But as a young child, we had no clue what his level of capability was going to be, and that’s where parents are all the time: What is it going to mean for my special needs child when I die and […]
How to Keep Your Trust Updated, Part 2
Keeping your trust updated is one of the most important things you can do regarding personal finances, your financial goals, and taking care of your family members after you pass. Borchers Trust Law Group provides tips on what to update and why they should be updated and healthy.
When to Consult an Elder Law Attorney
A good time to consider consulting with an elder law attorney is when you begin to see some signs of deterioration with your parents, whether it’s an illness or even just a change in their mental ability. When they reach their retirement years, age 60 and above, you may start to see more signs that […]
How to Keep Your Trust Updated, Part 3
A trust is an important asset for just about any family. But there is a multitude of problems that could undermine your goals. Borchers discusses what to look for when updating your trust – something you should do on a regular basis.
Is It Ever Too Early to Get an Estate Plan?
Marc Cusano: Tim, I was recently asked by a woman who’s approaching age 40, “Is this a good time for me to get an estate plan?” And I think my initial reaction and response was, “Well, yeah. I mean, we really believe in estate planning for all stages of life.” But I’m curious as to […]
Is Charitable Planning Practical?
Many people think that charitable planning or trying to become more philanthropic is not something that’s practical or realistic for the average family or individual. Obviously, it seems like it’s something just for the rich and famous, the Bill and Melinda Gates of our society. That couldn’t be more incorrect. What we help families and […]
The Differences Between A Revocable & Irrevocable Trust
As background, all of our trusts, whether revocable or irrevocable trust, in one way or the other help to cover the following points, illustrated by the acronym MAPS. This stands for: Manage your affairs in your old age or illness Avoid probateProbate can refer to the process of settling the estate of a deceased person. […]
Super-TRUST-Powers, Part I | Atomic Manipulation & Shapeshifting
When I was young I could fly. No really, I could. As long as I had a good running start down the hallway I could make a horizontal jump at least 3 or 4 feet into the air and onto my parents’ couch. This was made possible not only by my natural flying abilities (of […]
Super-TRUST-Powers, Part II | Invincibility
Possessing immunity to any form of physical harm. Impenetrable. Unable to be broken or suffer pain. With the power of invincibility, you could literally take a bullet for your spouse, shovel 16 inches of snow from your driveway without back pain, or proudly wear a Yankees jersey to Fenway Park (I am NOT, of course, […]
Purchasing an Annuity: A Strategy for the Healthy Spouse, While the Other Is in a Nursing Home
Long-term nursing home care is needed by about 1.4 million Americans every year, according to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (2015). It is expensive, and so is long-term care insurance. Government programs, such as Medicare, will not cover the cost of nursing home care. Note: Social Security benefits pay only an average of […]
Super-TRUST-Powers, Part III | Healing
Restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing wounds, broken bones, or disease. Potentially heal from any form of bodily damage. The power to heal is an attractive power in our day. Imagine being in the position to instantaneously cure yourself of the flu, heart disease, or better yet any, form of cancer – including […]
The Challenge of Discussing Financial Plans with Your Aging Loved Ones
Your parents – or other aging loved ones – are over 70 and you are genuinely concerned whether they have a plan for their later years and for their estate. However, they may resent a direct question about their plans. This article will explain why and how to best approach them. The Challenge It is […]
Super-TRUST-Powers, Part IV | Super Speed
Experience the rush of accelerating to speeds so fast you are nothing but a blur. Move near, at, or beyond the speed of sound or light. Change diapers in record time, run to the Cape and back for a lobster roll during your lunch hour, or discreetly make a cameo appearance in the middle of […]