
An Ongoing Conversation that Brings You Peace of Mind.

TrustSupport™ is a program of ongoing support to you and other key individuals on your estate planning team. It offers regularly scheduled reviews and refinement of your estate plan, which helps keep your trust up to date. 

Some clients use their TrustSupport™ Review Meeting to check off their list of issues and concerns. Other reviews are more free flowing. Either way, we will be sure you leave the meeting feeling that you understand your plan and have learned about current laws and strategies that may apply to your situation. 

Watch this brief 3-minute video from partners Tim and Marc sharing what TrustSupport™ is, what it means to our clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to offer this service.


TrustSupport™ Allows us to Hear from You so We can Customize our Advice.

We want you to reach out so that you get the most out of our relationship.

We are accessible when you have questions or when problems arise in between regular Review Meetings. Check-ins allow us to respond to new, immediate matters that only your estate planning team can help with. 

You share information at your Review Meeting or a check-in that we use to suggest legal and tax strategies that are timely or of potential future interest. Topics about health, work, retirement, wealth protection, tax liability, or news on individual family members – are not just genuinely interesting to us, but are vital to our ability to serve you.

What Does TrustSupport Provide?

Nearly 1,000 TrustSupport clients and families value these 8 exclusive features, available only to members:

Keep up with Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze programs. The benefits are similar with each program, the difference being the frequency of Review Meetings:

  • Regularly scheduled meetings with attorneys or paralegals will keep you up to date by refreshing, reviewing, and refining your plan.
  • Refreshing you on the content of your plan, and refreshing us on what’s happening in your lives and keeping us up to date on your health and wealth.
  • Reviewing your plan to see how it holds up against current laws and strategies. Here’s where we help you determine whether your current choices are appropriate for today’s needs.
  • Refining your plan with updated legal instruments and advice for future events, adopting the latest tax strategies, navigating family-dynamics, and a discussion of the purpose of your plan and the use of your wealth for future generations, and more.
  • We maintain your Asset-Trust Organizer™  – Our unique tool, improved every year, that identifies, organizes, and tracks your trusts, family, advisors, assets, and much more, and analyzes your performance and risks.
  • We make updates to your Asset-Trust Organizer™ after each regularly scheduled meeting with your input.
  • We provide storage for wills, deeds and bills of sale (saving you the cost of other storage options).
  • We give you (and your family if you want) “In the Cloud” document storage available to TrustSupport clients using the Clio for Clients portal, with two-way secure document sharing.
  • No-charge updates to wills, power of attorney, health care proxy, HIPAA, guardianship forms, and young adult documents and simple trust changes. Reduced-fee deeds and assistance during mortgage refinances. 
  • Simple binder refresh – keeping your binder organized and relevant, as needed.
  • Check-in with us as questions and problems arise, which they often do.
  • We’ll take your calls and emails on legal and tax questions, document clarification, trust funding, and provide referrals and research to help you find answers.
  • We’ll hold family meetings to bring your plan to life and answer questions from children, trustees, and advisors.
  • We will strategize and troubleshoot with your accountant, investment advisor, banker, and insurance agent, on tax and estate planning topics, and help with funding assets to your trust.
  • We’ll advise on the use of your trust, power of attorney and health care proxy as crises arise.
  • You’ll learn from our TrustSupport Newsletter designed just for you on relevant estate planning topics.

You can book your own meetings online, right into our calendars, with automated reminders and meeting preparation instructions.

  • You’ll pay 10% less for estate planning enhancements, and/or business and asset protection planning. Your family members pay reduced fees for their estate planning, too!

Since 2007, our TrustSupport™ program has helped clients stay well-informed and maintain up-to-date estate plans. Many have averted what could have been unfortunate, even disastrous consequences, were it not for suggested refinements. Others have simply gained a high level of confidence year after year that their plan is current.

Over the course of your lifetime, you will most likely update your estate plan 2, 3, or even 4 times. Why? Laws change. Your family situation changes. Your priorities change. TrustSupport™ is the constant that ensures your plan keeps up.

Why do 95% of our Trust Clients Participate in TrustSupport™?

Peace of Mind.

Here’s what a few of our TrustSupport clients have to say about the program:

I appreciate the time spent with us, we never feel rushed or feel we are asking “silly” questions. All of our questions are answered in an understandable way, we leave there feeling confident about our future planning. I trust the folks here!
– Pat from Newtonville
Not your average legal team!  Tim Borchers and staff treat you like family and keep you up to date on all the current laws and changes needed to be made to your estate plan.  Personalized service makes all the difference! I’ve always felt that I can trust them to act in my best interests.
– Janet from Falmouth
Over the time we’ve been using the services of Borchers we have been very happy. They are knowledgeable and informative. As others have asked us what we’ve done, we’ve been happy to report that our estate planning services are the best.
-Al from Arlington
My wife and I are very pleased with the wills and trusts created. They are current and our annual meetings with Tim leave us satisfied that they remain current.
– Client from Wayland


      * Client feedback collected from “After Your Review” surveys.

Your life, and the law, evolve quickly. TrustSupport™ ensures that your trust keeps up.

If you have a trust and would like to discuss the TrustSupport program:

Super Trust Powers